The DS range of Rainsmart products include high quality, high strength Nero Drainage Cell, Ellipse tank Modules, Nero Pave Permeable Paving, Green Wall systems from selected industrial recycled PP to the highest industry standards

Storm Water Management | Applications
Our product range covers 50mm grass and gravel Nero Pavers for permeable car park and traffic surface. 30mm Nero Drainage Cell for subsurface drainage and irrigation for roof and podium gardens. Subsoil Ellipse Modular drainage tank modules for underground Retention, Infiltration and Stormwater Detention tanks.
Rainwater Harvesting
Roof Garden
Permeable Paving
Vertical Garden
Civil Engineering
Horizontal Drainage
Vertical Drainage
Road Drainage
Railway Drainage
Infiltration Tanks
Detention Tanks
Leachate Collection
Stormwater Harvesting
By adopting a range of water sensitive design techniques our integrated approach regards stormwater as a resource rather than a burden and considers all aspects of runoff within a development, including environmental social and cultural issues.
Enhancing the urban landscape
Managing urban run-off in a water sensitive manner not only resolves problems associated with stormwater, but it enhances the social and environmental amenity of the urban landscape. Reducing peak flows and maintaining a more natural stormwater system can also potentially reduce capital and maintenance costs of drainage infrastructure costs
Offers a point source solution and an alternative to the traditional conveyance approach to stormwater management. It seeks to minimise the extent of impervious surfaces and mitigate changes to the natural water balance, through the approach of principles of zero contamination and zero discharge, by creating permeable surfaces, on-site reuse of the water and groundwater recharge systems